The "Quaderni di AOQU" series originates from a branch of "AOQU. Achilles Orlando Quixote Ulysses. Rivista di Epica" an Open Access journal established in 2020 and operating on the OJS (Open Journal System) 3 platform initiated by the Faculty of Arts and Philosophy at the University of Milan (

In line with the journal, the "Quaderni di AOQU" are dedicated to the exploration of the epic genre as a system of values, social constructs, and ideologies that, amidst constants and transformations, spans epochs, cultures, languages, and forms.

The "Quaderni di AOQU" are structured into two distinct sections: "Studi" (Studies) and "Testi" (Texts). The "Studi" section will feature essays, monographs, and miscellaneous works that can shed light on authors, texts, and forms. On the other hand, the "Testi" section is dedicated to presenting, with annotated editions, fundamental epic texts to better understand the epic dimension of cultures and periods.