Milano University Press
II Rapporto MHEO - Istruzione terziaria: caratteristiche degli studenti, regolarità ed equità
Higher Education, Students, Right to Education, Distance-Education-University, MobilitySynopsis
The second MHEO (Milan Higher Education Observatory) report presents a picture of university students in Italy, investigating the motives behind their decision to embark in a university career, their choices of geographical mobility, the composition of the student population (by type of university course) and the regularity of the university career. The students’ condition is also analyzed through the lenses of the right-to-study system (stretching the focus onto the AFAM system, too) and the spread of e-learning courses, with a special focus on distance-education Universities. The report, in line with MHEO original spirit, makes sure to analyze the specificities of the observed phenomena in Milan and in the Lombardy region.
1. La mobilità geografica: attrattività dei territori e caratteristiche degli studenti
2. Le carriere degli studenti universitari e l’abbandono degli studi
3. Perché ci si iscrive all’Università? Un’indagine sulle scelte degli studenti dell’Università Statale di Milano
4. Il diritto allo studio in Lombardia
5. La didattica telematica: diffusione e caratteristiche degli studenti
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