Milano University Press
III Rapporto - Dopo la laurea: sbocchi occupazionali dei laureati milanesi e lombardi
Tertiary education, Employment outcomes, University-to-work transition, Geographic mobility, AlmaLaurea surveysSynopsis
The Third MHEO Report examines the occupational trajectories of Lombardy’s graduates, focusing on the transition from university to employment. Combining data from the COB system and AlmaLaurea surveys, it investigates entry times, contract types, geographic mobility, and job satisfaction. The first three chapters analyze the paths of Milanese graduates, employment outcomes in Lombardy, and regional labor market demands using the Excelsior system. A fourth chapter adopts a European perspective, exploring the strategic role of STEM skills. The analysis highlights challenges and opportunities, offering tools to enhance the connection between education and the labor market.
1. Dinamiche e percorsi lavorativi: il caso dei laureati di Statale e Bicocca
2. Esiti occupazionali dei laureati negli Atenei lombardi nelle evidenze empiriche fornite dalle indagini di AlmaLaurea
3. Domanda di lavoro in Lombardia