Roma e le province tra integrazione e dissenso


Simona Antolini
Jessica Piccinini
Federico Russo


Roman provinces, Mediterranean, Imperial cult, Roman economy, Provincial elites


This volume aims to contribute to the scholarly debate on the relations between Rome and its provinces at various stages of the Republican and Imperial times. The articles here collected focus, from different standpoints and with different methodological approaches, on some salient aspects of the relations between Rome, the centre of power, and some of its provinces, with particular attention to political, religious, social, and commercial aspects and themes. The picture that emerges highlights the multifaceted and complex nature of the relations that Rome established with provincial communities, both within the Western and Eastern provinces, and emphasizes the reactions and dynamics that Rome's power, variously exercised, triggered at the local level.


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Author Biographies

Simona Antolini

is Associate Professor of Roman History and Latin Epigraphy at the University of Macerata since 2017. She was previous Researcher in Roman Epigraphy at the University of Rome Tor Vergata. Her main field of investigation is the study of Greek and Latin inscriptions from Rome, ancient Italy and the Roman provinces (Sicily, Crete and Cyrene, Dalmatia, Epirus). Her research interests are the processes of romanisation, municipalisation and acculturation in Italy and the eastern Roman provinces, the epigraphic effects of bilingualism, epigraphic collections and forgery.

Jessica Piccinini

(MSt and DPhil in Ancient Greek History, University of Oxford, Wolfson College, 2006 and 2012) is Associate Professor in Ancient Greek History. She has been awarded research scholarships and fellowships at the University of Vienna, the Scuola Archeologica Italiana di Atene, the Center of Hellenic Studies (Washington DC), the National Hellenic Research Foundation, the University of Cincinnati. Her research interests focus on the history and historiography of Epirus, the Adriatic Sea in Greek and Roman times, and Greek epigraphy of north-western Greece.

Federico Russo

is currently Associate Professor in Roman History at the University of Milan. Previously he was visiting scholar at the Universities of Oxford and Liege and then wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter at the Universities of Constance and Vienna. His research interests mainly concern the study of the political-diplomatic relations between Rome, the Italic peoples and the Greeks in the Republican age, the legal epigraphy of Roman Spain, the administrative structures of Roman communities in Italy and the provinces, Roman building legislation, and the electoral systems of Rome in the Republican and Imperial ages.



June 14, 2024

Details about this monograph

ISBN-13 (15)

978-88-6056- 924-0