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Author Guidelines

The publication of contributions or volumes in the Tarchna series is by invitation.

The Editorial Rules and the templates for the preparation of the contributions will be sent to the Authors.


Peer Review Process

The contributions and volumes are examined by an expert member of the Scientific or Editorial Committee who judges their adequacy. If the opinion of the expert member is positive, the contributions are submitted to the Scientific Committee, which expresses its opinion on whether or not to proceed, following a detailed analysis.

Contributions and volumes are sent to two external reviewers in charge of peer review. The Tarchna Series uses a double-blind review system. The choice of reviewers is made by the Scientific Committee and/or by the Editorial Board on the basis of their specific experience and competence. The review process aims to offer authors an expert opinion on the work through suggestions and possible modification requests. The contributions are sent to editing for publication at the conclusion of the review process. The Series will ensure that the authors take into account what is indicated by the Scientific Committee and the reviewers.