The Unimi Connect - Universo Terza Missione Series, launched in 2022 by University Press, aims to enhance the many and varies activities of the University of Milan beyond the two pillars of teaching and research: a wide range of projects providing energies, knowledge and resources for the benefit of society as a whole. To support the most vulnerable (the poor, prisoners, migrants), in Italy and abroad; to devise and disseminate innovative ways and methods to address social problems such as disability, welfare deficiencies, the fight against corruption or environmental defense; to share and disseminate programs of cutting-edge science and culture; to collaborate with public bodies and regulatory authorities: for all this wide array of activities the purpose of the volumes is to give voice to the protagonists, both professors at the University of Milan who coordinate and follow the projects, and external figures of experts, professionals, and activists who are involved in the initiatives.

New Releases

Nuovi modi di condividere il sapere

Natalia Milazzo (ed), Luca Carra (ed), Massimo Bianchi (ed)
September 21, 2023