Milano University Press
The series is part of the MHEO (Milan Higher Education Observatory) project, an integral part of the broader MUSA (Multilayered Urban Sustainability Action) project. The series is intended to be one of the main places in which the Observatory disseminates the results of its research by publishing reports focused on framing the state of tertiary education in Milan and in Lombardy. The aim is on the one hand to enhance the importance of data, and on the other hand to offer decision-makers tools through which define and develop policies based on empirical evidence.
The targets of the series are multiple and a set of specific objectives is attached to each of them: the first target is families and future students, the aim here is to assist in guiding the choice of a tertiary study pathway; the second is the PA, the aim here is to support public policies through the use of data in order to provide empirical material on which these same policies can be incisive; the third is tertiary education providers with the aim of improving collaboration between these institutions; and finally businesses, the aim here is to increase the consideration of labour market needs.
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