Proceedings of the COVid-19 Empirical Research (COVER) Conference: Italy, October 30th, 2020
The Covid-19 pandemic has spread across the world at a rate never seen before, affecting different countries and having a huge impact not only on health care systems but also on economic systems. Never as in this situation the continuous exchange of views between scientists of different disciplines must be considered the keystone to overcome this emergency. The dramatic global situation has prompted many researchers from different fields to focus on studying the Covid-19 pandemic and its economic and social implications in a multi-facet fashion. This volume collects the contributions to the COVid-19 Empirical Research (COVER) Conference, organized by the Centre of Excellence in Economics and Data Science of the Department of Economics, Management and Quantitative Methods, University of Milan, Italy, October 30th, 2020. This conference aimed to collect different points of view by opening an interdisciplinary discussion on the possible developments of the pandemic. The conference contributions ranged in the social, economic and mathematical-statistical areas.
Welcome Address
On the Complex Dialogue Between Mathematics and Virus Pandemics
A Heavily Trained Time-Dependent SIRD Model for Local Covid-19 Data in Italy
It Never Rains but It Pours. Subjective Poverty and Income Reduction after Covid-19 in Italy
The Italian Manufacturing Sector During the Covid Pandemic: Some Lessons for a "New Industrial Policy"
A Two–Strain SARS–COV–2 Model for Germany - Evidence from a Linearization
The Effects of the Covid-19 Pandemic on the Italian Economic System: the Factors Underlying the Resilience of the Lombard Manufacturing Sector
Citizen Behavior & Health Indicators in Israel During COVID-19: A Systematic Analysis of data over time
Italian Regional Healthcare Services Put to the Test by Covid-19: Strategic and Managerial Issues from the First Wave
FENStatS COVID-19 Working Group: Goals, Initiatives and Perspectives
The Severity of Covid-19 in Italy Seen from Its Epicenter
Crisis and Resilience in the Post Pandemic Between Trust and Commons in the Emergent European "Green New Deal"
The effect of case detection on the global dynamics of Covid-19 mortality: A cross-country analysis
Could Emergency Calls and Twitter Activity Help to Prevent Health System Overloads Due to CoViD-19 Epidemic? Wavelets and Cross- Correlation as Useful Tools for Time-Frequency Signal Analysis: Lessons from Italian Lombardy Region
Public Management after Managerialism? Lessons from Covid-19
Reassessment of New Normal Along with Its Typical Measures Against Covid-19 via an Optimal Decision Framework

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