Le donne di X’oyep. Fotografia, storia, memoria


Alberto del Castillo Troncoso
Instituto Mora
Maria Matilde Benzoni
University of Milan


Chiapas, EZLN, History of Mexico, Pedro Valtierra, Italy - Europe - Latin America relations


Las mujeres de X’oyep (Mexico, 2013) by Alberto del Castillo Troncoso provides an incisive historical and cultural analysis of a powerful photograph by Pedro Valtierra taken in early 1998 in the Chiapas of indigenous and Zapatista resistance. Almost thirty years after the levantamiento of the EZLN (1994), the Italian edition of the research contains additional approaches by the author, standing out among international translations of the book due to the choice to interweave the perspectives of this study with the themes addressed in the other essays published in the volume. We refer to the diffusion and trajectories of photography in Mexico (19th-20th centuries) (Maria Matilde Benzoni-Alberto del Castillo Troncoso), the historical roots of the crisis in Chiapas (Massimo De Giuseppe), and the prism of expressions of attention and participation toward this glocal horizon that has matured in Italy from the late 20th century to the present (Simone Ferrari)


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Author Biographies

Alberto del Castillo Troncoso, Instituto Mora

Las mujeres de X’oyep (Mexico, 2013) by Alberto del Castillo Troncoso provides an incisive historical and cultural analysis of a powerful photograph by Pedro Valtierra taken in early 1998 in the Chiapas of indigenous and Zapatista resistance. Almost thirty years after the levantamiento of the EZLN (1994), the Italian edition of the research contains additional approaches by the author, standing out among international translations of the book due to the choice to interweave the perspectives of this study with the themes addressed in the other essays published in the volume. We refer to the diffusion and trajectories of photography in Mexico (19th-20th centuries) (Maria Matilde Benzoni-Alberto del Castillo Troncoso), the historical roots of the crisis in Chiapas (Massimo De Giuseppe), and the prism of expressions of attention and participation toward this glocal horizon that has matured in Italy from the late 20th century to the present (Simone Ferrari).

Maria Matilde Benzoni, University of Milan

is a historian and an associate professor at the University of Milan. She works on cultural history, global history, and the history of historiography. From these perspectives, she studies Italian world-Europe-Americas relations and the relevant imagination from the early modern period to the present. She edited the Italian editions of S. Gruzinki’s L’histoire, pour quoi faire? and La machine à remonter le temps (2016, 2018). She practices interviewing for research purposes. Active in Third Mission, she co-curated the exhibition “Storie in movimento. Italiani a Lima, Peruviani a Milano” (MUDEC, 2019). Among the books are La cultura italiana e il Messico. Storia di un’immagine da Temistitan all’indipendenza (1519-1821) (2004); Milano e il Messico. Dimensioni e figure di un incontro a distanza dal Rinascimento alla Globalizzazione, edited with A. M. González-Luna (2010); Americhe e modernità. Un itinerario fra storia e storiografia dal 1492 ad oggi (2012). In the framework of the international research on A. Gerbi, she was the recipient of a Jane L. Keddy Memorial Fellowship (John Carter Brown Library, 2019), hence publishing the essay Antonello Gerbi’s Discovery of the New World. Life experience and the practice of history (1938–1948) (2021).



November 16, 2023

Details about this monograph

ISBN-13 (15)
