Milano University Press
Author Guidelines
The authors of the volumes included in the Series are professors and scholars who are linked (as teachers, researchers, students, alumni, or collaborators) to the Department of Literary Studies, Philology and Linguistics at the University of Milan. Their proposals reach the Editorial Board through one of its members.
Authors not belonging to the Department are requested to submit their proposals for consideration to one of the members of the Editorial Board. Applicants shall give information on the work’s title, its type and contents, and the reason why they aim to have it published in the Series. Where possible they shall also supply a provisional table of contents and indicate the estimated page count.
Manuscripts judged worthy of further consideration will be submitted by the Editorial Board to one or two referees for the peer-review process (only one referee is provided for collected volumes of pre-selected contributions). The referees will evaluate the scientific contents of the work and provide adequate reasons for their decision on its acceptance in “Consonanze”.
In case of positive outcome, a final report will be issued by the Editorial Board and, after the final acceptance of the publication proposal, the author and the Series (as representing Milano University Press) will enter into a contract based on the principle of open access. In case of a negative outcome, the work will not be divulged.
After the proposal is accepted, the author or editor of the volume is requested to submit the final text (presented in accordance with the editorial standards of the Series) in .doc or .rtf format, also attaching a .pdf version as a control copy. Any need to make an exception from the standards must be communicated to the Editorial Staff. The author or editor is responsible for the first proofreading.
Along with the text of the volume, the author or editor must provide a brief introduction and a short resume.