Milano University Press
Le competenze per la Twin Transition
twin transition, skills, digital upskilling, green jobs upskilling, digital transition, green transition, chemical, pharmaSynopsis
Digitization and environmental sustainability are two cornerstones of the new competitive systems. The Green Deal and the Next Generation EU plan launched by the European Union, within which the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRP) is situated and from which most of the economic policy initiatives of recent years descend, clearly place the so-called twin transition at the center of the development strategies of economic and social systems. This volume presents the results of the research project coordinated by Edoardo Della Torre and carried out by the MEIEC center of the University of Milan in collaboration with Federchimica with the aim of analyzing the impact of digital and ecological transformations on companies in the chemical and pharmaceutical sectors. The focus is centered on the need for new skills and the need for restructuring of organizational roles and responsibilities, including in terms of possible emerging job positions.
Report produced within the MUSA - Multilayered Urban Sustainability Action project, funded by the European Union- NextGenerationEU, PNRR Mission 4 Component 2 Investment Line 1.5: Creating and strengthening “innovation ecosystems,” building “territorial R&D leaders,” Spoke 4.