Tra storia e politica. L’Asia orientale contemporanea e il contributo di Enrica Collotti Pischel


Elisa Ada Giunchi (ed)
University of Milan, Italy
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Filippo Dornetti (ed)
University of Milan, Italy
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Simone Dossi (ed)
University of Milan, Italy
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Arianna Miorandi (ed)
University of Milan, Italy
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Keywords: Enrica Collotti Pischel, East Asia, Contemporary China, Southeast Asia, Historiography


Enrica Collotti Pischel (1930-2003) was a prominent representative of historical and political studies on contemporary China in Italy. In 50 years of career she published numerous books, articles and essays that enriched the understanding of East Asia in our Country, and they still hold important insights that cannot be overlooked by researchers and students in Asian studies. This volume aims to reflect on the scientific legacy of Collotti Pischel. The eight essays of the book inspect the national and international context shaped her research activity and demonstrate that her publications still provide meaningful insights to understand contemporary East Asia.



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Author Biographies

Elisa Ada Giunchi, University of Milan, Italy

Elisa Giunchi is a professor at the University of Milan, Italy, where she teaches courses on the contemporary history of the Middle East. She is part of the editorial board of the academic journals Storia delle donne and of Rivista italiana di storia internazionale, and she is the vice-director of Nuovi autoritarismi e democrazie (NAD).  She has published many books, articles and essays, mostly on Pakistan and Afghnanistan. Her most recent work is Il pashtun armato: la diffusione di armi in Afghanistan e il declino dell’impero britannico (1880-1914) (Mondadori, 2021), which has won the national prize Corsena 2022 for historical essays. 

Filippo Dornetti, University of Milan, Italy

Filippo Dornetti is Assistant Professor at the Department of International Legal Historical and Political Studies of the University of Milan. He teaches courses in East Asian history. His main research interests are Japanese empire’s colonial history, the reception of contemporary Italian political thought in Japan, and the history of East Asian cities founded in the XX century. He is part of the editorial board of the academic journal Nuovi autoritarismi e democrazie (NAD). He is author of articles and essays published in national and international journals. He published the book Integrazione politica e società nella Manciuria coloniale. L’Associazione della Concordia del Manchukuo nella contea di Fushun (Milan, 2022).  

Simone Dossi, University of Milan, Italy

Simone Dossi is associate professor of International Relations at the Department of International Legal Historical and Political Studies of the University of Milan. His research interests focus on China’s foreign and security policy, especially the organizational and doctrinal evolution of the People’s Liberation Army and party-army relations. He is the author of Rotte cinesi. Teatrimarittimi e dottrina militare (Milan, 2014) and of articles published in national and international journals, including the European Journal of East Asian Studies, the Journal of Contemporary China, the Journal of Strategic Studies and Pacific Review. He is the editor of OrizzonteCina, an academic journal on contemporary China.

Arianna Miorandi, University of Milan, Italy

Arianna Miorandi holds a PhD in Oriental Studies from Ca' Foscari University of Venice. She was a research fellow at the Department of East Asian Studies, Ca' Foscari University of Venice. She is currently Adjunct Professor of Political Institutions and Processes in Asia and of East Asian History and Institutions at the Department of International, Legal and Historical-Political Studies, University of Milan. Her research interests focus on the modern and contemporary history of Cambodia and Vietnam and the foreign and security policy of Japan. In particular, she studies the history of Cambodia from the 1950s to the present, dealing with international interference and the issue of crimes committed by the Khmer Rouge.

May 21, 2024

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