Libri e rose: le donne nell’editoria italiana degli anni Settanta
The volume investigates the presence and role of women in Italian publishing in the contemporary age – a research field of recent development, especially if compared to literary studies, which have shed lights on women writers. Our new focus is the historical phase identified as the so-called "lungo Sessantotto" (mid 1960s to 1980s), when a paradigm shift took place and women started to be involved more widely and more actively in the world of books and publishing. The collected essays address different aspects of such phenomenon and are concerned with the rediscovery of different women figures and cultural enterprises. The aim of the book is to write a new a chapter in the history of Twentieth Century Italy in which female authorship and intellectual identity of women get finally acknowledged as crucially relevant for a better understanding of the entire cultural system in Italy at the time.
Una (nuova) donna di Sibilla Aleramo: la ricezione negli anni Settanta di un romanzo archetipico di inizio Novecento
"Una stanza tutta per sé"? Gli esordi della Tartaruga edizioni tra femminismo e lavoro culturale (1975-1982)
Il femminismo “second-wave” in Italia. Due casi di studio: La mistica della femminilità e Noi e il nostro corpo
Tradurre Freud in Italia. Renata Colorni nel cantiere della psicoanalisi
Scrivere come un uomo, scrivere come una donna: il conflitto identitario in Natalia Ginzburg
L’onda lunga della Beat Generation in Italia: Fernanda Pivano, la controcultura e il femminismo
Grazia Nidasio, l’umorista gentile del fumetto italiano
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