Bitter Earth. Migrant women, exploitation and forms of resistance in the Sicilian countryside


Monica Massari
University of Milan
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Federica Cabras
University of Milan
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Simona Miceli
University of Milan
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Keywords: Exploitation, Women, Agriculture, Resistance, MIgrations


Migrations are a matter of bodies and feelings (…). They take place in time and space, they promise, they announce, they crown a dream, they liberate, they turn the arrival and departure territories upside down, they force us to rethink them and redesign them as a third place, not yet given. That is why collecting the stories and reflections of farm-workers, mediators, social workers, and trade unionists encountered locally, and mak-ing them resonate with the words of intellectuals and artists from all over the world (…) is such a fertile approach (from the Foreword by Maria Nadotti).


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Author Biographies

Monica Massari, University of Milan

Associate Professor, teaches Sociology of Memory, Global Society and Rights and Comparative Social Systems at the University of Milan. Her research activities are mainly focused on forced migration across the Mediterranean with particular attention to gender dynamics, processes of social construction of otherness and new forms of racism and discrimination in Europe. Her most recent publications on these topics include: Violenza, memoria e resistenza nel mar Mediterraneo (with other authors, 2024), Our lives and bodies matter: memories of violence and strategies of resistance among migrants crossing the Mediterranean (in Ethnic and Racial Studies, 16/2022) and the volume Il corpo degli altri. Migrazioni, memorie, identità (2017).

Federica Cabras, University of Milan

PhD, is a researcher at the Department of International, Legal, Historical and Political Studies of the University of Milan. Her interests mainly concern human trafficking issues, with a specific focus on the sexual and labor exploitation of migrant women in Italy. She has recently carried out research on the phenomenon of outdoor prostitution in Milan and on the links between exploitation and the religious dimension in Nigerian sex trafficking. Her most recent publications include: Sfruttamento e vulnerabilità delle donne migranti nelle campagne siciliane: il caso di Vittoria (con Monica Massari, 2023), Potere criminale e pratiche di assoggettamento: violenza, coercizione e resistenza nel fenomeno della tratta delle donne nigeriane (In Sociologia del Diritto, 3/2022).

Simona Miceli, University of Milan

PhD, is a researcher at the Department of International, Legal, Historical and Political Studies of the University of Milan. Her research interests concern contemporary migration phenomena, racialization processes and agency practices. She has carried out biographical research with migrant women from different backgrounds and with young sons and daughters of migration, adopting an intersectional approach and paying particular attention to the dimension of aspirations about the future.  Her publications on these topics include: Invenzioni dell'alterità e pratiche contronarrative. Scrittrici migranti nell'Italia contemporanea (in Mondi Migranti 2/2019).

December 5, 2024

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