Storia di una rivoluzione accademica. Gli studi sulla criminalità organizzata a Scienze Politiche, Università degli Studi di Milano


Nando dalla Chiesa
University of Milan, Italy
Keywords: University, Political Science, Milan, Organized crime, CROSS


A true academic revolution. A discipline never taught in universities that in just a few years becomes the lintel of a great educational project, field research and public commitment: it disseminates society around administrators, professionals, teachers, journalists, associations capable of understanding and opposing the mafia; it unites Lombardy and Calabria, Germany and Mexico, institutions, and protest movements. This is the story of a group of teachers and hundreds of students who, between classrooms, trips, and theatre, have launched their challenge against all laziness: the Cinderella subject that becomes the foundation of a world leadership in education, the heart that generates science more than ethical neutrality. This is the story of the organized crime studies of Political Science in Milan.


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Author Biography

Nando dalla Chiesa, University of Milan, Italy

Nando dalla Chiesa is the delegate of the Rector of the University of Milan for ‘Organised crime and education to legality: institutions and territory’. He teaches at the Faculty of Political, Economic and Social Sciences. President of the Anti-Mafia Committee of the Municipality of Milan, Member of Parliament for three terms, consultant to the Anti-Mafia Parliamentary Commission, he directs the ‘Rivista di Studi e Ricerche sulla Criminalità Organizzata’ and the ‘Falcone-Borsellino’ Chair in Mexico City. Honorary President of Libera, President of the ‘A. Caponnetto’ Training School, Pontifical Academician, he has written fifty books, most of them dedicated to legality issues. Columnist for ‘Il Fatto Quotidiano’, he is the author of theatrical texts. He founded mafia studies at the academic level in Italy.

March 6, 2025

Details about this monograph

ISBN-13 (15)