Elementi e materiali di diritto doganale. II edizione aggiornata al D. Lgs. n. 141/24


Luca Moriconi
University of Milan, Italy
Keywords: Customs, Customs procedure, Export control, Dual Use, Custom simplification, Compliance


Two years after the first edition of this volume, which is intended as a support to educational activities and a tool for approaching the main topics of customs law, the adoption of new regulatory provisions at national level, as well as the rapid evolution of the procedures and scenarios that characterise the international trade in goods, have suggested the opportunity to partially revise and update some of the topics covered.

In this regard, of particular importance are the new National Complementary Provisions to the Union Customs Code, approved by Legislative Decree No. 141 of 26 September 2024, which have made significant changes to the national regulatory framework, particularly with regard to the penalty system.

Moreover, at the Union level, the Commission's proposal for the reform of the Customs Code prefigures a digital and integrated data management and risk analysis environment, within which the strategic role of reliable operators, to whom access to ever greater simplifications is reserved, is in any case strengthened.


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Author Biography

Luca Moriconi, University of Milan, Italy

Lecturer and expert in customs matters. Adjunct professor of customs law at the University of Milan and at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore of Milan. He is the author of several publications and speaker in numerous courses and seminars on customs matters.

February 4, 2025

Details about this monograph

ISBN-13 (15)