musical reading, Solmisation, Musical Training, Syllabic designation, Instrumental teaching, Instrumental families
"From sign to sound" is a research project aimed to investigate some peculiar features of the musical reading with reference to instrumental performance. Its purpose is to extend the present knowledge about cognitive, musical, and pedagogical aspects of the subject, pointing out problematic issues and solutions significant for the young musicians' music performance education. The main study profile, which differentiates it from very few existing international studies on the subject, arises from the particular situation of the Latin countries (to which some other Latin American countries must be added) that adopted, starting from XIX century, the syllabic designation of notes, abandoning the alphabetic one. The aim of the research was to clarify a) the extent to which the outlined situation is widespread in Italian and European instrumental teaching, b) what are the prevailing opinions about it, and c) whether different perspectives can be found based on instrumental families or educational schools.
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Author Biographies
Alberto Odone
Alberto Odone graduated in Choral Music and Choral Conducting at the "G. Verdi" Conservatory in Milan and at the Civic School of the same city. At the end of a two-year course of studies carried out in Italy and Hungary, in 1997 he obtained the Special Certificate at the International Institute of Musical Pedagogy "Z. Kodály ”by Kecskemét (H). He teaches Ear Training, Theory and Music Reading at the "G. Verdi" Conservatory in Milan. Previously, at the Como Conservatory, he designed and inaugurated, after ten years of experimentation, the courses of Ear Training and Basic Music Training according to innovative methodologies. He has published articles in specialized journals and volumes at the Ricordi, Curci and Mondadori publishers in Milan and Rivera / Impromptu publishers in Valencia (Spain) and held courses in various European countries. He is a member of the editorial board of the Review of Music Analysis and Theory (LIM).
Anna Maria Bordin
She graduated from the "Musik-Akademie" of Basel and carried out an intense concert activity. Professor of Piano of the Giuseppe Verdi Conservatoire in Turin (IT), she is author of two books and numerous international articles. She is member of the European Platform for Artistic Research (AEC, European Conservatories Association), evaluation expert of the Italian Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education, and chairman of the Italian Society of Music Analysis and Theory. She has collaborated as professor with the University of Pavia and the Academy of Brera. She planned and conducted a ten years experimental piano course for an autistic student, devoting the last twenty years to research in the fields of theoretical and applied methodology for piano teaching and performance.
Giancarlo Manzi, University of the Studies of Milan
Giancarlo Manzi received his PhD in statistics from the University of Milan-Bicocca, Italy. He worked as a biostatistician at the Medical Research Council - Biostatistics Unit, Cambridge, UK, then joined the Department of Economics, Business and Statistics, University of Milan, Italy as a lecturer in statistics and in April 2018 he got an associate professorship in statistics at the Department of Economics, Management and Quantitative Methods, University of Milan. He is a member of the Data Science Research Center and coordinator of the Master’s in Data Science for Economics, Business and Finance at the University of Milan. His main research interests are meta-analysis, multivariate statistical methods, Bayesian hierarchical methods, resampling methods, missing data imputation.
October 4, 2022
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