Letture dell’antico: mito di Roma e retoriche antisemite in epoca fascista


Laura Mecella (ed)
University of Milan
Marco Cuzzi (ed)
University of Milan
Paolo Zanini (ed)
University of Milan


anti-Semitism, fascism, ancient world, myth of Rome, race laws (1938)


This volume includes the proceedings of a conference held at the Department of Historical Studies of the University of Milan and realised within the framework of the PRIN 2017 project Italian Scholars in the face of the Race Laws (1938-1945): Ancient Historians and Jurists. The conference favoured the dialogue between specialists of various backgrounds and aimed mainly at exposing the complex relations between the political use (or, rather, abuse) of ancient history by fascism, together with the theoretical aberrations that led to the formulation of the Manifesto degli scienziati razzisti, with specific focus on anti-Semitism. Despite the diversity of approaches, the essays help to clarify how the heritage of the ancient world was connected to the racial issue with a double perspective: on the one hand, the anxious search for illustrious roots for modern anti-Semitism; on the other hand, the alleged and pretentious primacy of the ‘Italic race’ over other nations, by virtue of its glorious past. We hope that this choral work will contribute to a deeper interpretation of the cultural background that saw the deadly virus of racism take root in Italy.


Cover: Academics of the GIL march shirtless in the stands of the Foro Mussolini, 17.03.1940. Photo: Archivio Storico Istituto Luce


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Author Biographies

Laura Mecella, University of Milan

Laura Mecella holds a PhD in Ancient History and is Full Professor of Roman History at the Department of Historical Studies, University of Milan. She has been temporary research fellow at University of Basel and Università Europea in Rome, and undertook several periods of research in Germany (Köln, Münster, Düsseldorf, Heidelberg) and Britain (Oxford). She is editorial board member of the international journal Mediterraneo Antico. Economie Società Culture. Her research focuses on Roman imperial history (especially of the periods of crisis between the 3rd and the 5th century CE), late antique and Byzantine historiography, and history of classical scholarship.

Marco Cuzzi , University of Milan

Marco Cuzzi is Associate Professor of Contemporary History at the Department of Historical Studies, University of Milan. His research focuses in particular on Italian history of the 20th century, the Balkans and the Eastern border, fascism and neo-fascism in their international projection, European collaborationism during the last World War, and the history and teaching of the Shoah. In recent years he has also dealt with the role of Freemasonry in Italian and European history. Author of many essays and monographs, he is a member of numerous national and international scientific committees. He recently published Seicento giorni di terrore a Milano. Vita quotidiana ai tempi di Salò (Neri Pozza, 2022), awarded in 2023 with the ‘Premio Acquistoria’ (Section History and Science).

Paolo Zanini , University of Milan

Paolo Zanini is Associate Professor of Contemporary History at the Department of Historical Studies, University of Milan. His main areas of research concern the intertwining of political and religious history, namely the question of religious freedom, Catholic anti-Protestantism and the evangelical presence in Italy; the Holy See Middle Eastern policy and the attitude of the Catholic world towards Zionism, Arab nationalism, and the birth of Israel; the links between Catholic anti-Judaism and political anti-Semitism; and the evolution of progressive Catholic circles in Italy after World War II. On these topics, he has published numerous essays and four monographs, including Aria di crociata. I cattolici italiani di fronte alla nascita dello Stato d’Israele (1945-1951), Milano 2012; and Il «pericolo protestante». Chiesa e cattolici italiani di fronte alla questione della libertà religiosa (1922-1955), Firenze 2019.


May 21, 2024

Details about the available publication format: PDF


ISBN-13 (15)


Details about the available publication format: ACQUISTA


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