La La questione settentrionale nella crisi della “prima Repubblica”. Politica, cultura, società


Paolo Zanini (ed)
Università degli Studi di Milano
Fabio Guidali (ed)
Università degli Studi di Milano


‘Northern question’, Italian ‘First’ Republic, Lega Nord party, crisis of the Italian political system


The book examines the transitional years around 1992 from the perspective of Northern Italy and Milan in particular, making the ‘Northern Question’ a key element in the collapse of the historical political parties. The essays explore: the disintegration of the political system; the emergence and rise of the Northern League party (Lega nord), whose cultural roots and religious references are also examined; the role of Cardinal Martini; the role of the judiciary; and the impact of the investigations on political life in the early 1990s. The ‘Northern Question’ appears not as a mere accident, but as a key factor in understanding the crisis of the ‘First’ Italian Republic.


Cover image:
Gilberto Gaudio, Grande Milano, 2011, CC BY 2.0.



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Author Biographies

Paolo Zanini, Università degli Studi di Milano

Paolo Zanini is Associate Professor of Contemporary History at the University of Milan. A scholar of the Italian Catholic world, of the Holy See’s Middle Eastern policies and of Italian politics in the second half of the twentieth century, he has recently focused on the issue of religious freedom in Italy between Fascism and the post-World War II period, publishing Il pericolo protestante. Chiesa e cattolici di fronte alla questione della libertà religiosa (1922-1955), Lemonnier, Florence 2019.

Fabio Guidali, Università degli Studi di Milano

Fabio Guidali is Associate Professor of Contemporary History at the University of Milan. He works on the history of intellectuals and culture in twentieth-century Europe, with a particular focus on associations, intellectual networks and forms of political engagement. He has recently published Un intellettuale europeo. Umberto Campagnolo tra antifascismo e guerra fredda, Pacini, Ospedaletto, Pisa 2023 and is co-author of the volume L’AIDS in Italia (1982-1996). Istituzioni, società, media, Pacini, Ospedaletto, Pisa 2022.



February 28, 2025

Details about the available publication format: PDF


ISBN-13 (15)
