Scritti, discorsi, atti istituzionali di Carlo Smuraglia

2 Titles

The editorial project
aims to make available to the scientific community and the general public the works, some of which are unpublished, of Professor Carlo Smuraglia, collecting his most significant contributions in a single series, organizing publication by topics in order to make the professor's work accessible to the public, currently mostly published in journals and non-commercial volumes no longer available and in any case poorly known.

Carlo Smuraglia
in addition to being one of the founders of the Faculty of Political Sciences at the University of Milan, was a partisan, member of the Milan City Council, President of the Lombardy region, member of the Superior Council of the Judiciary, President of the 11th Labor Committee of the Senate, and president of ANPI. His scientific work was predominantly focused on labor law, to the evolution of which he also contributed professionally, as a lawyer and as a legislator. His works, even those dating back in time, remain fundamental pillars for those approaching the themes of the relevance of the individual in the employment relationship, the protection of health and safety at work, union phenomena, and the right to strike. During his political experience, he conducted numerous investigative inquiries, which represented real pioneering research essential for understanding the investigated phenomena. We particularly highlight those related to mafia-style phenomena in the North of the country and those concerning the protection of health and safety at work. The last period of his life was dedicated to studies on resistance, also achieving original results, such as the creation of the Atlas of fascist and Nazi massacres and research on historical events that occurred along the eastern border during World War II.

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